2011 Vintage wine and Port are Special and Prestigious

21/04/2014 16:41

Vintage wine is the highest preference of most people. They love sticking to it. While a port wine is a wine that is regarded to be a dessert wine. It is also warming on a cold night. Vintage ports offer great value and a port wine is considered based on its price, quality and availability. 2011 Vintage wine and port, both are prestigious and special.

Value of Port Wines

Comparing 2011 vintage wine and port wine, many wine drinkers regard port as an enigma. This is because people are not aware of the port and its good points that make for the vintage years. Ports are available from variety of producers. The port that is older has more distinguished flavors. Port wines can be had when they are fresh and there is no specific reason to wait for them to mature and age. Similarly, the full bodied vintage port flavor is best with a savory cheese.

Classification of Ports

Ports are rare and very expensive. The shelf life is for a day or two. The best wines are available even at 100.00. These are referred to as the single quinta ports. They are not vintage ports, but are rewarding to drink. Many houses make wines and they alone declare the year it may be considered vintage. However, the houses do not declare vintage of consecutive years.  Learning what makes a vintage is certain to take much time, but in the meanwhile single quinta ports are available at decent cost. Port wines are available in lots of styles and the best is found in a late bottled vintage. Here, price is not the true test, but the taste, quality and availability makes it desirable.

Value of Vintage port

2011 Vintage wine and port wine are the choices of most people, but some consider the phrase ‘vintage port’ has conjured an image of etiquette.  Actually, vintage port is also one of the top ranks of wines and has the advantage of being very affordable. However, lots of consumers are bewildered by the port variants now readily available. This is due to the labels that have Vintage Port, Vintage Character, etc.

True Vintage

A true vintage wine is the one that is decades old. The older it is the value is good and its taste is retained. A true vintage port is something that is not produced every year. It is produced only 2 or 3 times a decade. Conversely, a vintage port is not from one single vineyard. It is not like Scotch whisky that is produced from single malt and is highly valued. In fact, vintage is a blend of vineyards lots and the winemaker is the expert who knows the art of blending and predicting the quality of the wine after aging and determines it as a vintage.

2011 Vintage wine and port are stored in wooden barrels for two years and in bottles for some years. The glass bottles with a porous cork and the environment produces quality. Visit Here for more details.


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